Dear All,
Best wishes from Suyam (http://www.suyam.
Advance Christmas & New Year wishes.
This mail brings you a general update about the activities, projects
of Suyam, it's success, difficulties, challenges, needs, etc. Sorry,
it's a lengthy mail, please take your time to read and acknowledge
receipt of the same and share your thoughts.
Suyam Short Stay Home
- Child n adult Inmates, patients, residential volunteers, residential
staff are being with us as a family. Total 11
Siragu Montessori School a learning space for street children
- 353 children (out of which 80 are the hostel inmates), 40 staff
members, a family of 393
Watch a short trailer of Wings of Evolution - a movie on Siragu
Bharatha Matha Nursery & Primary School a school for slum dwellers
- 105 children, 8 staff members, a family of 113
Shiny Tailoring Centre
- a women empowerment unit presently manned by 4 poor n destitute
women and a 1 male partial handicap staff
Click n view Suyam's creations
Activity centers in Nagapattinam & Vanavanmahadevi (Nagai district),
Digital Library in Nagapattinam
Science Program @ Nagapattinam (http://suyaminschoo
An activity center in Karaikkal (Pondicherry UT)
18 education centers in Pazhaverkadu
Feeding the Poor
delicious n nutritious food get cooked in suyam and distributing 100
food packets only to the children of nearest slums every day. So far,
approx. 25000 children benefited.
Challenges of SIRAGU - At present in a deep financial crisis
With more struggles, manage to feed the hostel children of Siragu,
treat them with natural medicines, managing without hostel facility,
difficult to raise funds for monthly expenses, payment of salaries,
maintenance of vehicles, etc.
Need: Provisions n groceries, educational materials, financial support
to meet out monthly overhead, to develop infrastructure facilities, to
renovate older buildings, to build new class rooms, etc.
Challenges of Bharatha Matha Nursery & Primary School
- Here except some students, rest of the students pay nominal fees,
fees income not substantiate the monthly needs but helpful.
- construction of 1st floor & 2nd floor is in progress. A major amount
of loan already taken to proceed with construction and a bank loan
applied for construction and buy the property.
Why we need to buy the property and go for construction
- Presently suyam located in a rented building. Office, tailoring
unit, short stay home, and inmates stay. All facilitated in 3 floors
taken on rent. Now the house owner told to vacate as he already sold
the property. Same area if rented in another locality needs to pay
35000 as rent. Hence, plan to buy the property and construct 2 floors
and take additional few rooms on rent to manage situation and pay the
bank monthly EMI.
Need: Educational materials, storage cabinets, mineral water plant,
stationeries, class rooms' needs, maintenance equipments & financial
support to pay the loan, meet the monthly expenses.
Other projects
- receiving partial funding from donors, rest of the expenses managed
with struggle
Assets & Liabilities of the Organisation
1.55 acre land area of Siragu with 10 temporary class rooms, 9
permanent class rooms (donated by Madras Knight Round Table 181) and
storage cabinets and other smallest assets
5250 sq.ft. land area and a small building on top of it located in
Akkaraipettai, Nagai
5250 sq.ft. land area in another locality near to Siragu
- Rs.7 lakhs outstanding on credit card loans
- Rs.3 loan due to board of trustees who offered loan to
manage the expenses
- Rs.2 lakhs hand loan taken from friends n well wishers for
emergency expenses
- Rs.3 lakhs approx. rent outstanding to the owner of present
rented place of suyam
& other major loans
Sources of Income
- Rs.2.2 lakhs approx. is the unconditional monthly regular
donations (promised by donors for a short period including foreign
- Rs.0.1 lakh from special feeding programs in Siragu
- Rs.0.1 lakh fees income from Bharatha Matha School
- Rs.0.1 lakh trustees' contribution, etc.
Why we get into a deep financial crisis
- Lack of more contacts
- No corpus fund
- Failed to get success in fund raising programs
- Lack of strategic financial planning
- In adequate man power
- Raise in prices of basic commodities to construction materials
- Present Global Level Economic issues
- Not having major grant from donors
- Less of foreign donations
Our Appeal
Give us suggestions to do a proper financial planning
volunteer for the day to day activities at least weekly once
Donate in kind Provisions n groceries, rice, educational materials,
& contribute generously towards Emergency Expenses, monthly food exps,
hostel exps, overheads, maintenance needs, etc.
How to Contribute
Cheque or DD in favor of "SUYAM CHARITABLE TRUST"
Domestic donors can transfer to our ICICI Bank Account
A/c No.603101272441, ICICI Bank, Sowcarpet Branch, Chennai 600 079
Foreign donors can send wire transfers to our foreign account
Cash donations / cheque donations can be picked from your door step
Donations to Suyam Charitable Trust are exempt from Income Tax u/s 80G
Despite of heavy challenges and financial difficulties, all the
projects' activities are going on well, children are happy, there is
no salary due for staff members, things are in control.
Thanks for reading the lengthy mail, look forward your immediate support.
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Uma and Muthuram and the Team

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