As per the national laws, those found guilty should be punished as per their level of criminal activity. I suppose
in case of terrorists who kill many innocents, like in Mumbai attack recently, will be hanged as per the Indian Criminal laws.
I think that will be the best course of the action. There is no reason to fear about producing more terrorists otherwise this will show our weaknesses and terrorist groups will take Indians granted.
I assume we are not discussing whether they should be sentenced to death or not- it is a seperate topic all together.
Jai Hind.
Specialist Registrar Anaesthetics and ICM
University Hospital of Wales
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To: India_Vision_
From: jk2107@gmail.
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 16:34:52 +0400
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_
there are many cruel ways to teach them a lesson,
but we need to search the way which can clean the dust from the depth of their mind,
from the depth of their heart, so that they can also start loving the human beings beyond the walls of religions.
we need to derstroy the Terrorism, not the Terrorist.
the terrorist's themselves living in the terror, they feel insecure thats why they do such things.
if it is possible to make a person terrorist so it cant be impossible to make a terrorist a human with humanity.
we have no other option because they are already trained for the worst, the cruel techniques wont work on them else it will make them proud, and they will be a motivating example for rest of the terrorists, the rest of the terrorist will think of the revenge.
i'will suggest you to watch the movie"Black & White".
Jai Hind!
Divya Jethwa
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Shaurya Shah < > wrote:in
Dear All,Please ask your hearts, "What should be done to the terrorists who are in custody at Ahmedabad?"Jai Hind,Shaurya Shah
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