To realise the developed India by 2020

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Re: [India_Vision_2020] What should be done to terrorists in Custody?

We all need to calm down little on this topic and pray for better future. Over last years we progressed. We are in better shape then we were years back and we are progressing. We should move on with same speed no matter who try to stop us in one or other way like this terror.
We should do our best in contributing it and move ahead with vistion of India in 2020. We may not get there when we want to but we can give our best.
I personally believe terriorist in custody should not be killed as he is the only hope and opportunity for us to know more about what's coming down the road if there is any and use the information for our nation's best interest. For those terriorist who is dead at this time they are of no use as you can not get anything out of it.
I have more frustated as most of you are with this but we need to act best in our nation's interest and put our individual anger on side.
I have tears even if i have not lost any of my loved onces but someone has lost their loved ones for sure.
Prof. Shah

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Jeganathan Kumaresan <> wrote:

I strongly recommond and accept the suggestion of Divya. I have read in Magic of Thinking Big that, Criminal activities shall be identified in the buds and can be eliminiated from the minds.
So we identify and change them. It is possible and We can do it.
J Kumaresan

2008/12/1 divya jethwa <>

there are many cruel ways to teach them a lesson,

 but we need to search the way which can clean the dust  from the depth of their mind,
from the depth of their heart, so that they can also start loving the human beings beyond the walls of religions.

 we need to derstroy the Terrorism, not the Terrorist.

the terrorist's themselves living in the terror, they feel insecure thats why they do such things.

if it is possible to make a person terrorist so it cant be impossible to make a terrorist a human with humanity.
we have no other option because they are already trained for the worst, the cruel techniques wont work on them else it will make them proud, and they will be a motivating example for rest of the terrorists, the rest of the terrorist will think of the revenge.

i'will suggest you to watch the movie"Black & White".

Jai Hind!
Divya Jethwa

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Shaurya Shah <> wrote:

Dear All,
Please ask your hearts, "What should be done to the terrorists who are in custody at Ahmedabad?"
Jai Hind,
Shaurya Shah

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