RRIndia Let's reunite to redefine INDIA:
A forum for social change is created in Yahoo groups on the above
name. In this forum, we are going to raise (among ourselves) many
questions and analyze in depth about the implications on that topic
before knocking at appropriate door for redressel of the same.
As on date, Indians are having many social problems at our credit.
Majority of the such problems rooted from the selfishness of our
politicians and influential people who are not normally ready to
forego their comforts for the sake of their fellow men.
Non application of Heart is the prime cause for all these big
difference that exists between the Haves and Have-not in this
country. We all are not bothered about the pitiable condition of the
poor when we are patting at the back while counting the increase in
the number of crorepathies in India.
We have lost our conscience in the sounds of industries and stock
markets. It has gone to the extend of depriving fellowmen in the
name of education and efficiency rather than providing opportunities
for the upliftment of them to the foreground. If it continues
unchecked, one day or other our country will be known for the
betrayal of the fellowmen and not for values.
Our administrative process, lack of thinking and execution of the
western style have developed all these problems. Those problems
will remain unresolved even if India becomes a developed nation by
2020 but hope get worse if not sorted out properly at present.
The only remedy to rectify the same is application of heart and
soul to the problems of the poor and sharing by the rich on social
These problem have to be dealt separately in a democratic manner in
a big thought process and by creating the compelling situation to
make them realize the ground realities in due course of time.
As India Vision 2020 being the responsible group on the vision of
achieving a sound India in 2020, the opinion and suggestions of this
group members are most solicited for this social cause.
We, every one of us feel proud to be called as "INDIAN" when we are
talking about its glory and the values our nation had contributed to
this world.
But at the same time failed to note whether our mother India is
feeling proud about us. How can she feel happy on us when our
activities results in destroying her images on selfish narrow minded
ideologies, indifference behaviour in executing the social causes
and slackness in our legitimate responsibilities, not adhering or
implementing the Dharmic Values she has been following from time
immemorial and for the irresponsible attitude we have inculcated
from the west.
RRIndia desires to highlight those relevant issues in public to seek
objective solutions taking into cognizance of the ground realities.
We all know, India needs true administrative reforms where service
to nation comes before administration. Let us give our contribution
and awareness towards better reforms our dedication and dreams
will bring the desired changes automatically in near future.
SUYANALAM VS SOCIAL WELFARE is to be the core issue on this group
and on the motto to help the poor and our poor country
regain its due share and glory in life.
"As Vande Maataram has motivated Indians in the freedom struggle"
against the English Lets have Reunite to Redefine India to
motivate ourselves towards glorious bright future free from the
Your valuable suggestions are welcome.
Aum M. Murugan

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