dear friends
We are pleased to announce an 'Action2020-UnConference' at Chennai on Saturday the 17th Jan 2009.
In a normal seminar and conferences, there would be VIP speakers and participants will have only minimum or no opportunity for interaction. In the UnConference, the speakers are participants and vice versa. All the participants have equal opportunity to share their views. In this UnConference, we will be able to get the views of youngsters too.
Actually, it is a free for all. But one need not fear that there would be chaos and confusion. There will be 'order' in 'disorder'. This will quite interesting with fun and seriousness.
Who can participate?
India Vision group has 12 partner organisations. When some of the organisations met Dr Abdul Kalam recently, he suggested to us that we should being in more such committed youth organisations.
In order to identify more such youth organisations, we have organised an Action2020 - UnConference. This is a full day programme starting from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturdayt eh 17th Jan 2009, at T Nagar, Chennai. We want to focus on youth organisations. We are inviting the organisations (whether they are member of this group or otherwsie) with the following profile.
(a) Service organisations (formal or informal), promoted by youth (College students and/or young professionals) for serving the society; and
(b) these organisations should have already involved in the activities atleast since one year.
There is no participation fee. We plan to involve 33 organisations. Each organisation can depute three persons. Many eminent people also will be part of this UnConference.
The ulimate purpose of this event is to bring in fusion between the creativity of the youngsters with the expertise of the seniors.
We do not prefer individuals. We prefer only the organisations, which are already doing service, like our partner organisations. The organisations which are interested may kindly send the details to Siva, Coordinator to his email id sivanarayanan.pasupathy@ (sivanarayanan.synopsys. com pasupathy @
We are restricting the participation to 100 people only. Please rush your details to Siva immediately.
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