Dear Friends,
I think Military Rule is not a solution to the problem. When there
is a problem in our Home even before looking at Police we should
look at solving the problem ourselves.
The country should have a strong Governance in way of Rajya Sabha.
Today we are almost unaware of what people in Rajyasabha are doing
while 80% of Members of Lokasabha are currupt and criminals. I
really doubt if we should trust the remaining 20 % of the people too.
The only solution i could see is the Educated society should get
into politics and Stay in Politics only if we achive our objectives.
We all should have SMART Objectives with points like
1. Increase in Health Awareness in the Citizens : Current : 45%
Target : 60%
2. Improve the Drainage in the Area: Current System : 23% Capable
Target 40% Capable
3. Improve the Literacy Percantage: Current 67% Target 70%
The above are some examples think about them. If you dont meet them
you dont get your fancy allowances for Car, Security, a great
Bangalow in the Heart of the City, Servents, Helicopter Trips to
your parents house, A First Class Ticket to travel to Delhi and
what nots the ministers enjoy. Earn for your spendings is the moto.
More you deliver more you get as bonus for your constituency. All
MP's MLA's Corporaters should be attached to this kind of a system.
The President of the Country is the Chairman of the Country and the
PM the CEO. Fire the CEO if he can not deliver the vision.
Just think. Let the educated march to form New India and let us
request Leaders like APJ Abdul Kalam, Narayana Moorthy, Ratan Tata,
Premzi and many others.
The end aim to to meet the India Vision 2020 of Making India the No
1 Super Power in the world with highest Literacy, Heatlth and other
Think Think Think!!
Krishna Datta
--- In India_Vision_
> Dear Friends,
> I strongly support manoj ji. Implementin a military rule would
rather be like killing our ways to live. Military rule at the outset
may seem to be the best choice to fight against terror. However,
people who have survived the earlier emergency period knows the ups
and downs of it better than me. Hope the forum has the survivors of
the emergency period.
> Ideally, the solution is now with "WE THE PEOPLE". let us wake up
at this terror, and decide on our next steps. I strongly believe in
certain principles of Gandhi. If you can change, your community will
change, if the community changes, city gets influenced. As it goes
on, the entire message reaches the 1100 million people across the
> Stop casting votes, if there is no right candidate. Infact, we PR
people could run an offline campaign across our cities. Just
imagine, it is the people like us who use this forum have so much
knowledge about this. Just think of a labour somewhere in remote
part of the state/country. Do you think he/she is aware of what
happened to Mumbai. I am not definitely not blaming them, rather
blaming us.
> And i have no words to describe the media's performance. Since
there were some good though certain things went beyond boundary line.
> regards,
> Meera.R
> ____________
> From: manoj dey <manojdey@..
> To: India_Vision_
> Sent: Tuesday, 2 December, 2008 7:21:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [India_Vision_
in Custody?
> My Dear contrymen and countrywomen,
> Its good to be sentimental and be frustrated and ask for
military rule.
> I strongly agree we need a stronger government with strict
rules and appropriate implementation of securty measures for home
and defense, there is no doubt on this , but please think rationally
and identify who will have all the executive powers in a ilitary
rule, Preident of india, who is not elected by people of India but
appointed by our parasite elects, with whom we are frustrated now!,
and irony is people do not elect the excutive head of the nation
> In democracy abilty to elect and sen or nominees to the
governing bodies is the ultimate power people can have and we as
people shall not give up and shed ou democrtic rights with a
reliance on a president electe by the very people we are frustrated
with, chief of armed foces we hardly know about!
> Hope is the last thing one shall loose, its essence and preamble
to the human living, While I discard the provision of Presidents
rule (So called military rule) , I don't have constructive silution
right away.
> But I feel with so many true sons and Daughters of Bharat Mata on
thi sforum we can carve out some creative solution, we can do it but
as we are looking for a solution for 1100 Million people, it must
not be easy, lets concentrate and debate more, may be we can arrive
at some better conclusion.
> Vande Mataram,
> Jai Hind,
> Manoj
> --- On Tue, 12/2/08, Neha Innanje <nehainnanje@> wrote:
> From: Neha Innanje <nehainnanje@>
> Subject: Re: [India_Vision_ 2020] What should be done to
terrorists in Custody?
> To: India_Vision_ 2020@yahoogroups .com
> Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 9:13 AM
> I strongly support Srikanth.I also believe that Military rule must
be enforced in India for a period of time sufficient for the army to
wipe out terrorists from India.They must train children in such a
way so that they don't think of becoming a terrorist.The structure
of society should undergo a change. The feeling of hatred/revenge
must be eliminated.The present politicians who are power greedy and
who think of filling thier own pockets but not of the welfare of the
country must be strictly dealt with.Gen X must come forward to lead
India.Though it will take a long time to achieve this goal,there is
no better time than now to start as something is surely better than
nothing.As Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam once said,when billions of brains come
together what can stop India from Developing into an Ideal Country?
> All the youth should join hands to realise this dream and the
young must cherish this dream.Only then will terrorism/any other
problem will get resolved.
> We have already seen the unity of Indians whenever we are in a
crisis.Why can't we stay united all the time?Why do we come together
only when we face a danger from the outsiders?Why do we fight among
ourselves for trivial matters like kids fighting over a sweet
> when it only tastes good but really harms us when it is in excess?
> True Indians must ponder over these questions and get to the root
of these situations.Then India will truly become a great country.
> Neha
> --- On Tue, 12/2/08, sri kanth <evsrikanth@
> From: sri kanth <evsrikanth@
> Subject: Re: [India_Vision_ 2020] What should be done to
terrorists in Custody?
> To: India_Vision_ 2020@yahoogroups .com
> Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 6:36 AM
> Friends,
> Excellent Views, ideas,& suggestions. Please note the fact that
the cancer here is "Global Terrorism" sponsored, encouraged by few
unknown/known ? entities of some governments which live far away
from Democracy/Freedom. The problem is the ideology itself. A
country/ Nation cannot be formed on the basis of religious terms &
conditions. I agree with a fellow friends suggestion that
Love,Humanity should be propogated among all the Nations around the
> All Human beings are one whether we look green , white, black or
yellow, our religion/Caste is one "Human"...
> What could be done to stop this happening around the world?
> All the Nations facing the threat today or not should come
together and a well funded "Force to Fight Terrorism" should be
formed. Communication/ Interaction/ Intelligence should be shared
among all Nations. The idealogy of Terrorism should be eradicated
from the gross root level.To do this International rules should be
established( may be UN could help) .Serious sanctions need to be put
on the nations encouraging terrorism or ignoring operations of
Terror groups on their soil.
> The terror groups are well funded organisations. Where is this
money coming from? The whole Family/Environment is responsible for
the acts of an individual. They might be ready to kill themselves
but if his parents or loved ones are punished for his acts he might
think twice before committing an act. So the point here is new laws
> Even though Indian intelligency officials got a hint from the CIA,
USA that a possible threat could be from sea route and targeting
star hotels why did we fail to protect ourselves. This is a very
serious issue. Somebody sitting in New Delhi does not pass this
message down to administration/ Mumbai just because he needs to get
his toilet cleaned. First of all , these people who receive this
kind of vital information and fail to circulate should be punished.
He is one way or the other responsible.
> This is only a simple example , but why are we failing to co-
ordinate just because even if you fail to do so nothing happens to
> This is happening very often at different places in our country.
Though we are one of the fastest growing country in the world why
are we failing to protect ourselves ?
> Can the government promise to people that this was the last attack
on Indian soil?
> Serious rules globally need to be implemented. ..
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Jeganathan Kumaresan
<jk2107@gmail. com> wrote:
> Dears,
> I strongly recommond and accept the suggestion of Divya. I have
read in Magic of Thinking Big that, Criminal activities shall be
identified in the buds and can be eliminiated from the minds.
> So we identify and change them. It is possible and We can do it.
> Regards
> J Kumaresan
> 2008/12/1 divya jethwa <divyajethwa@>
> there are many cruel ways to teach them a lesson,
> but we need to search the way which can clean the dust from the
depth of their mind,
> from the depth of their heart, so that they can also start loving
the human beings beyond the walls of religions.
> we need to derstroy the Terrorism, not the Terrorist.
> the terrorist's themselves living in the terror, they feel
insecure thats why they do such things.
> if it is possible to make a person terrorist so it cant be
impossible to make a terrorist a human with humanity.
> we have no other option because they are already trained for the
worst, the cruel techniques wont work on them else it will make them
proud, and they will be a motivating example for rest of the
terrorists, the rest of the terrorist will think of the revenge.
> i'will suggest you to watch the movie"Black & White".
> Jai Hind!
> Divya Jethwa
> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Shaurya Shah <shaurya_munich@ in> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Please ask your hearts, "What should be done to the terrorists who
are in custody at Ahmedabad?"
> Jai Hind,
> Shaurya Shah
> ____________
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