Excellent Views, ideas,& suggestions. Please note the fact that the cancer here is "Global Terrorism" sponsored, encouraged by few unknown/known ? entities of some governments which live far away from Democracy/Freedom. The problem is the ideology itself. A country/ Nation cannot be formed on the basis of religious terms & conditions. I agree with a fellow friends suggestion that Love,Humanity should be propogated among all the Nations around the world.
All Human beings are one whether we look green , white, black or yellow, our religion/Caste is one "Human"...
What could be done to stop this happening around the world?
All the Nations facing the threat today or not should come together and a well funded "Force to Fight Terrorism" should be formed. Communication/ Interaction/ Intelligence should be shared among all Nations. The idealogy of Terrorism should be eradicated from the gross root level.To do this International rules should be established( may be UN could help) .Serious sanctions need to be put on the nations encouraging terrorism or ignoring operations of Terror groups on their soil.
The terror groups are well funded organisations. Where is this money coming from? The whole Family/Environment is responsible for the acts of an individual. They might be ready to kill themselves but if his parents or loved ones are punished for his acts he might think twice before committing an act. So the point here is new laws should be put in place . INDIAN CONSTITUTION SHOULD BE REVAMPED.
Even though Indian intelligency officials got a hint from the CIA, USA that a possible threat could be from sea route and targeting star hotels why did we fail to protect ourselves. This is a very serious issue. Somebody sitting in New Delhi does not pass this message down to administration/ Mumbai just because he needs to get his toilet cleaned. First of all , these people who receive this kind of vital information and fail to circulate should be punished. He is one way or the other responsible.
This is only a simple example , but why are we failing to co-ordinate just because even if you fail to do so nothing happens to you.
This is happening very often at different places in our country. Though we are one of the fastest growing country in the world why are we failing to protect ourselves ?
Can the government promise to people that this was the last attack on Indian soil?
Serious rules globally need to be implemented. ..
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Jeganathan Kumaresan
<jk2107@gmail. com> wrote:
I strongly recommond and accept the suggestion of Divya. I have read in Magic of Thinking Big that, Criminal activities shall be identified in the buds and can be eliminiated from the minds.
So we identify and change them. It is possible and We can do it.
J Kumaresan
2008/12/1 divya jethwa
<divyajethwa@> there are many cruel ways to teach them a lesson,
but we need to search the way which can clean the dust from the depth of their mind,
from the depth of their heart, so that they can also start loving the human beings beyond the walls of religions.
we need to derstroy the Terrorism, not the Terrorist.
the terrorist's themselves living in the terror, they feel insecure thats why they do such things.
if it is possible to make a person terrorist so it cant be impossible to make a terrorist a human with humanity.
we have no other option because they are already trained for the worst, the cruel techniques wont work on them else it will make them proud, and they will be a motivating example for rest of the terrorists, the rest of the terrorist will think of the revenge.
i'will suggest you to watch the movie"Black & White".
Jai Hind!
Divya Jethwa
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Shaurya Shah
<shaurya_munich@ in> wrote:
Dear All, Please ask your hearts, "What should be done to the terrorists who are in custody at Ahmedabad?" Jai Hind, Shaurya Shah |
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