I think, there is further room to discuss and avoid blaming Human Rights Activities.
I humble to quote the UN declaration of human rights "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood"
Further, we draw our human rights from Edicts of Asoka, Magana Carta, British Bill of Rights, Declaration of rights of man and citizen of the Citizen , etc and of course Geneva Conventions (I to IV). As on date 194 countries are ratified. To my best knowledge none of the above code sponsoring or supporting terror. We are pleading for peace at the cost of our lives, yes we are ready to spare our lives, if there will be peace but we don't want death penalties.
Rights and freedom which often thought of as human rights include civil and political rights such as right to life and liberty, freedom of expression and equality before law, and social cultural and economic rights including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work and right to education
Where ever there is voice of rights group as per ratification and of course land of law.
In first place, I don't think any of right groups justifying parliament attack and or Mumbai attack. The slogan is killing is not right for killing. We can't behave to animal as an animal because we are human. We are supposing not living that part of world.
In general the Rights group involve in where there is terror/violation by the state/government and or violation not controlled by government, like Gujarat refer recent statement by Sonal Shah
In India, since elimination of Sati in 1829 to RTI of today are in line with the declarations and our land of law.
In particular to Mumbai attack, Government of India has taken up the issue and as of today our Home Minister is proposing NIA (National Investigating Agency), 20 NSG camps etc. I don't think any right group is required to involve as govt is taking action.
While govt is actively taking measures, I don't think right people to poke their nose. While Gujrate riotes, Manu Sharma case, Mother and girl rape case in Maharastra, Chidambaram Padmini case, Girl rape case in Virudhachalam etc, etc, are sponsored or not action taken on offenders where right group required to be involved. Please note, to my best of knowledge nowhere death penalty is demanded. But restore peace and normal life.
Working in right organisation is not so easy/luxury, who will face real gundas, politicians, govt officials and critics but we want to move ahead for the benefit of human.
Please note again killing should not be punishment for killing.
I leave it to you all for making opinion on our sincere and dedicated work towards human. After our long battle we could see light in KSA actions in terms of housemaid/drivers. Report shall be available on demand. In UAE, we have attempted to ratify migrant worker status, now UAE has agreed to form UAE HR forum. Both the cases Indian are going to get benefit out of it.
I expect we all to eradicate terror with seamless & coordinated effort, President of Pakistan explained openly that how terror group formed and developed in Washington post. It is nothing secret, to fight against then the USSR (the god less state) the god states like USA and allies fertilised today's terror group. Once USSR collapsed, they took the same slogan and fighting. The terror group got anger on USA while they support Israel. Of course this story will is lengthy one. Our great nation got focus of them & becoming victim. I/we want eliminate terror which will be the answer for today questions.
One of the Asian Country had identified the potential terror linked citizens, trained them to be better human with the help of USA, reports available on demand. There death penalty is common. I request you all to focus on this kind of action.
Let us tight our fence and create harmony among us, terror may not have dare to think about our prospering country. For which the action of Home Ministry, GOI would be enough with our commitment for eradicating terror.
I strongly believe Bhagt singh, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Rajaram Mohan Rai etc and EVR are few among the best right activitiest, I follow. Please do not just blame the Right groups that may not be solution to eradicate terror. Today also we have dedicated/selfless activities in the field, not mentioning their name to refrain from making publicity. The corrupted right activities, if any, should be brought in front of law and public punishment. Let us not talk on air while making allegation not only against right group in general. It is known that right groups are for deprived, so, muscle, money, political and of course media powers are always against them.
I repeat killing for killing may not be good option for eradicating terror.
Please send me your quires when published.
Thank you very much.
sir what you are say is true true true
On 12/10/08, Prime Point Srinivasan <prpoint@gmail.com > wrote:
dear friends
Today (10th Dec) is the Human Rights Day, observed in all the countries. One thing, i am not able to understand is as to why the Human Rights evangelists do not raise their voice against the terrorists, who violate the human rights by killing innocent people.
At the same time, many of the Human Rights organisations raised their voice while forest brigand veerappan was shot dead by the Police. They made big hue and cry and they did not talk about the people killed by Veerappan.
In another recent instance, there was a big campaign from the Human Rights activists to reduce the punishment to Nalini, assassin of Rajiv Gandhi, giving the reason that she had a daughter. But they did not raise their voice against the LTTE, who killed more than 20 people (police officials and innocent party workers) along with Rajiv Gandhi. Don't they think that the victims of such terrorism have also family members.
It is sad, that none of the Human Rights associations have condemned the Mumbai terror attack. Probably, they are waiting to give statement in favour of the arrested terrorist, for providing 5 star hotel food, air conditioned jail, etc. They are more seen as supporters of wrong doers, including terrorists. I may be wrong. this is the general perception of the many citizens.
Can any of the Human Rights evangelists in this group set right the perception.
Ennangalin Sangamam,
D-4, Varasidhi Vinayagar Apts,
10, 5 th Cross Street,
Trustpuram, Chennai - 600 024.
Mob: 94449 08317.

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