Thank U Sir!!!!
We are very glad to know that every human being is againist the terrorism.....
Terrorism doesn't know the language,religion or region............
We all want the Indian Governement should b take Millitary Action in all of the Terrorist training Centers In Pakistan..........
We should all win that war..........
Everytime we felt that the millitants wants to stop the sustaining power path ,,,So they did more violence for stopping the improvements of India..........
But Our Indian Government's Embellam is "TRUTH ALONE TRUIMPHS"....
On 12/4/08, BillK < > wrote:
December 3, 2008My Dear Indian Friends,I am Bill Kupec, Caucasian, retired high school principal, intercultural community leader, father of seven, grandfather of twenty one, residing on Long Island, New York State, USA. Over the course of the years I have been truly blessed and most fortunate to have had a number of Indian friends.I and my American friends, were shocked and terribly saddened by the happenings at Mumbai. I extend my deepest sympathy to families with deceased or wounded members.. We in New York suffered a similar fate with the attack on the Empire State Bulding in New York City. A number of familes in my community were affected at that time.I have recently read the many, many e-mails from people of India who reacted to the violent crimes with extreme anger but with a desire to find solutions to any further violence.I implore the people and government of India to view any further disturbances as attacks upon the path of democracy which India has chosen to follow. The United States will stand beside you and support India in the effort. The "Vision for India 2020" banner should fly high and be followed with efforts for unity by all people of India. Devastating as was Munbai, it will not impede the hopes and efforts of the Indian people for a democratic sociey and way of life.Your friend, and a driend of India.....always,Bill KupecSyosset, New York, USA
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